Why we built this

We live in the 21st century, why would anybody want to send physical mail at all?

Well, we at PrinterPost couldn't agree more. The reason that we built this service is because none of us own a printer! This is what sparked the idea in the first place. One of us needed to print an official document and asked around who could print this.

We all joked about how none of us own printers anymore - they suck right?

We googled around to find an online service where we could upload the document and send it off by mail. Sure enough, we found some services, but none of them were quite right. They either required you to register or to buy credits (at least €10 btw).

So we decided to scratch our own itch - to build the simplest, fastest way to send a digital document by physical mail.

We love the service. It allows us to ditch the printer. We don't have to go out and buy postage stamps. No need to find that one friend that has a working printer.

And all that for typically less than €5 per document.

Try for yourself!

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Drop a PDF here to get started!

or click here to upload a file

Add a document to calculate cost